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The film in Virtual Reality directed and produced by Marc-Henri Wajnberg

Mika, 14 years old, is chased from his home and finds himself on the streets of Kinshasa. As the story unfolds, choices are offered. You decide what to do next.

The virtual reality film Kinshasa Now is an experience where the viewer is immersed, thanks to a 360° VR headset, in the middle of the streets of Kinshasa while discovering the daily life of a street child. The film is shot in a real setting, with real actors.

With forty different scenario possibilities, the interactive version allows a complete immersion by reinforcing the feeling of proximity with the children. The viewer is active throughout the film and is confronted with the consequences of his decisions. The spectators are then immersed in a life trajectory different from their own, living a profound human experience in order to break stereotypes and promote understanding of the other. The experience also exists in a linear version.

Technical and artistic list
Genre : Social
Year : 2020
Length of linear experience: 21 min
Duration of interactive experience: Between 7 and 25 minutes.
Type of immersive project: seated VR 3DoF
Available on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and other vr headsets
Written, directed and produced by Marc-Henri Wajnberg
Directors of photography: Wim Forceville & Jimmy Abidts
Music: Fabrice Kayumba; Strombo & The Stromboli
Produced by: Wajnbrosse Productions
Production manager : Catherine Boes
Coproduction RG & Créatifs Associés Wim Forceville
With the support of Le Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Creative Europe Media, Le Fonds Audiovisuel Flamand (VAF)
Production co-financed by Wallimage Creative and the Canada Media Fund
With Mika Bangala (Mika), Vainqueur Kanga (Vainqueur), David Lemba (Child with military shirt), Patrick Makambo (Patrick), Chancelvie Kaponge (The girl)

Technical and artistic list


Grand Prix - Satis - 360° Film Festival 2020 (Paris, France)
Best Virtual Reality and 360° - Crow Wood International Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, India)
Best Virtual Reality and 360° - L'âge d'or International Arthouse Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, India)
Gold Award - Virgin Spring Cinefest 2021 (Calcutta, India)
Best VR and 360 ° - The Druk International Film Festival 2021 (Paro, Bhoutan)
Grand Prix - Tagore International Film Festival 2021(Bolpur, India)
Gold Award - World Film Carnival 2021 (Singapore)
Best VR - Sun of the East Award 2021
Best VR - Krimson Horyzon International Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, India)
Best Virtual Reality - Buenos Aires International Film Festival - BUEIFF 2021 (Argentina)
Honorable mention & Best 360 degrees movie - Realtime International Film Festival 2021 (Nigeria)
Meilleur court métrage VR - Prix Spécial - Alpinale Short Film Festival 2021 (Austria)
Meilleur court métrage VR - Festival Villa del Ciné 2021 (Bogota, Colombia)


Mostra de Venise 2020 (Venise, Italy)
Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival 2020 (Jihlava, Czech Republic)
Festival dei Popoli 2020 (Florence, Italy)
Satis - 360° Film Festival 2020 (Paris, France)
Real World XR 2020 (Melbourne, Australia)
Better-Than-Reality Awards - VRFocus 2020 - Catégorie Global Impact (Londres, UK)
Quinzaine du Cinéma Francophone 2020 - Festival Francophonie Métissée (Paris, France)
FIPADOC 2021 (Biarritz, France)
Crown Wood International Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, India)
Berlin Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Berlin, Germany)
L'âge d'Or International Arthouse Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, India)
Virgin Spring Cinefest 2021 (Calcutta, India)
The Druk International Film Festival 2021 (Paro, Bhoutan)
Tagore International Film Festival 2021 (Bolpur, India)
Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Manchester, UK)
Krimson Horyzon International Film Festival 2021 (Calcutta, India)
Movies That Matter 2021 (Hague, The Netherlands)
World Film Carnival 2021 (Singapore)
Sun of the East Awards 2021 - Catégorie 360 - online
Austin Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Austin, US)
New Images Festival 2021 (Paris, France)
Buenos Aires International Film Festival - BUEIFF 2021 (Argentina)
Tokyo Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Japan)
Sunny Side of the Doc 2021 (La Rochelle, France)
Alpinale Short Film Festival 2021 (Austria)
Realtime International Film Festival 2021 (Lagos, Nigeria)
Guanajuato International Film Festival - GIFF 2021 (Mexico)
Docville 2021 (Louvain, Belgium)
Bolton Film Festival 2021 (Manchester, UK)
Mostra internazionale del Cinema Sociale 2021 (Naples, Italy)
AVANCA 2021 (Aveiro, Portugal)
Los Angeles Lift-Off Film Festival 2021 (Los Angeles, USA)
Festival Villa del Cine 2021 (Bogota, Colombia)
VRE Fest 2021 (Rome, Turin, Milan, Palerme, Italy)
I-Fest International Film Festival Calabria 2021 (Cosenza, Italy)
Doxs! 2021 (Germany)
Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival 2022 (France)
Soif d'idéal - Le Festival du Film d'Éducation 2022 (Bruxelles, Belgium)
Les passeurs du réel 2022 (Namur, Belgium)

Si Kinshasa Now fonctionne, il le doit à diverses raisons : la première tient à son casting (…). La seconde tient à la qualité de ses scénarios.

Le Vif

L’expérience est inimaginable et sans comparaisons. Le sujet du film en est évidemment profondément enrichi.


Des choix et expériences assez bouleversants qui font prendre la pleine conscience de la réalité des enfants de la rue

Le Soir

L’un des pionniers des films interactifs en réalité virtuelle est le réalisateur belge Marc-Henri Wajnberg, qui a brillé cette année au Festival du film de Venise avec le film éducatif Kinshasa Now.


Kinshasa Now est une œuvre documentaire interactive ambitieuse et complète. Son écriture et son exécution sont irréprochables.

Céline Tricart
Présidente du Jury - 360 Film Festival