1,2,3…BRUEGEL! is now available on SPRINGBOARD
The VR Game 1,2,3…Bruegel! already existing on Viveport, Oculus and Steam is now available on Springboard. This VR experience, directed by Andrés Jarach and Gordon, immerses the spectator into Bruegel’s artworks. 1,2,3…Bruegel! is not only a playful and educational game for children. It is also adapted to adults as it offers the opportunity to rediscover one of the masterpieces of European art. This project is associated with a 360 film entitled « Condemned to Play » – available on Within – that offers a more contemplative vision of Bruegel’s work. Both of these intend to make culture accessible to a large public offering easy-to-use and unique experiences.
Springboard which is a station management, game launching and content distribution for location-based VR. Currently they work with more than 500 locations in over 40 countries.